sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

O melhor comentário da blogosfera do ano

até agora. Justin Raimondo descobriu-o aqui. Não sei se será o melhor mas também concordo que é muito bom. Por esse facto, transcrevo-o de seguida:

Calculating the Costs of Nation Building…
Start to Finish: 7 Years, with occupation ongoing
Death of Iraqi Citizens: as high as 650,000
Injury of Iraqi Citizens: unknown, likely in the millions, severe injuries especially amongst the civilian population
Death of U.S. citizens: apx. 6,000
Injury of U.S. citizens: apx. 80,000
Results: ongoing civil war, occupation, massive destruction of local public infrastructure, former dictator murdered following drumhead trial, damage to U.S. international reputation incalculable
Profits for U.S. military industrial complex: hundreds of billions dollars and growing
Cost to U.S. taxpayers: seven hundred billions dollars and growing, U.S. economy in depression, another Viet Nam, near universal hostility toward the U.S. and U.S. citizens resulting in a massive loss of domestic civil liberties in order to protect the U.S. government

Calculating the Costs of Nation Building Done Right…
Start to Finish: 18 Days
Death of Egyptian Citizens: 334
Injury of Egyptian Citizens: estimated at 3,000, mostly minor injuries
Death of U.S. Citizens: 0
Injury o f U.S. Citizens: a few minor injuries to journalists, one major assault
Results: apparent success, transition to democracy underway, little damage to local public infrastructure, former dictator status unknown, no impact on U.S. reputation
Profits for U.S. military industrial complex: $0.00
Cost to U.S. taxpayers: minimal cost of evacuations

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