Informa a Reuters a propósito de uma palestra que William Dudley, Presidente da Reserva Federal de Nova Iorque, deu hoje em Queens, Nova Iorque:
After being bombarded with questions about food inflation, Dudley attempted to reassure his audience by putting rising commodity prices into a broader economic context -- but that only made matters worse.
"When was the last time, sir, that you went grocery shopping?" one audience member asked.
Dudley tried to explain how the Fed sees things: "[t]oday you can buy an iPad 2 that costs the same as an iPad 1 that is twice as powerful" (...) "You have to look at the prices of all things."
This prompted guffaws and widespread murmuring from the audience, with one audience member calling the comment "tone deaf". "I can't eat an iPad," another said.
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