"The Energy Information Administration’s estimates of technically recoverable shale gas resources have jumped 134 percent in one year. In the Annual Energy Outlook 2010, technically recoverable shale gas resources were estimated to be 368 trillion cubic feet. In the Annual Energy Outlook 2011, the estimate shot up to 862 trillion cubic feet. The increase in shale gas brings total U.S. recoverable natural gas resources to 2,629 trillion cubic feet. This is a welcome change because as little as 10 years ago, analysts and politicians said that the United States could not drill its way out of a natural gas shortage. But, with new technology and investment, we did just that."
Claro que agora, em que uma vez mais se prova como Julian Simon estava certo na sua aposta contra Ehrlich, e mais afastado fica a suposta ultrapassagem da "peak production" de gás natural, os profissionais do Armagedeão ambiental acenam com as mais tenebrosas calamidades relativamente à exploração do gás de xisto de acordo com as mais recentes tecnologias de extracção (ver aqui, por exemplo, para uma sumária apresentação das catástrofes "potenciais" incorridas e sua refutação).
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