sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2011

A luz ao fim do túnel: e se se tratar do farol de um comboio?

«Americans want to believe we finally are emerging from an extended period of economic malaise, that we can see the light of the end of the tunnel. But, writes Thomas Woods, holder of a doctorate from Columbia University and senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, that’s the light from an oncoming train.

A systemic crisis is poised to strike an unprepared America, as the federal government is forced to renege on its impossible promises. It will no longer be the godlike dispenser of bounties. … Most of the people reading this book will live through one of the most significant periods of change in American history. The scale of the coming, inevitable spending cuts will be unlike anything Americans have ever experienced.

Between now and the entitlement collapse,” Mr. Woods continues, “our representatives in government will keep trying to kick the can down the road,” as they do today with marginal reforms.»

Excertos da recensão do novo livro de Thomas E. Woods, Jr., por John R. Coyne Jr., no Washington Times

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