domingo, 13 de março de 2011

A tortura ao soldado Bradley Manning (2)

Eric Garris, no Antiwar a propósito da demissão, hoje mesmo, de P.J. Crowley, dias depois de ter apelidado de ridícula e contraprodutiva a forma como Bradley Manning tem vindo a ser tratado na prisão militar a aguardar julgamento:
Michael van Poppel at BNO News noted on Twitter after the story broke, “Crowley released a statement on Yemen just 2 hours ago. Seems really abrupt.”

CNN reports that Crowley came under pressure from the White House to quit after making comments about the Pentagon’s treatment of Army private Bradley Manning, who is suspected of leaking documents to WikiLeaks.

Crowley, speaking at an MIT seminar in Boston, Assistant Secretary of State For Public Affairs P.J. Crowley said Manning is being “mistreated” in the military brig at Quantico, Virginia. “What is being done to Bradley Manning is ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid on the part of the department of defense,” he said.

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