terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

O referendo na Grécia ou o regresso da nação soberana

Em mais um brilhante artigo, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard recorda que a Europa não é um estado federalista, apesar de toda a engenharia política associado à construção do "Projecto Euro". A União Europeia é, essencialmente, uma construção voluntária de nações embora os burocratas de Bruxelas e restantes globalistas de pacotilha tudo tenham vindo a fazer para contrariar essa realidade. Daí estarem hoje fulos com a decisão de Papandreou em convocar o referendo. Por aqui, saúda-se, sem rebuço, o seu gesto.
«The referendum is a healthy reminder that Europe is a collection of sovereign democracies, tied by treaty law for certain arrangements. It is a union only in name.

Certain architects of EMU calculated that the single currency would itself become the catalyst for a quantum leap in integration that could not be achieved otherwise.

They were warned by the European Commission’s own economists and by the Bundesbank that the undertaking was unworkable without fiscal union, and probably catastrophic if extended to Southern Europe. Yet the ideological view was that any trauma would be a “beneficial crisis”, to be exploited to advance the Project.

This was the Monnet Method of fait accompli and facts on the ground. These great manipulators of Europe’s destiny may yet succeed, but so far the crisis is not been remotely beneficial.
The sovereign nation of Germany has blocked every move to fiscal union, whether Eurobonds, debt-pooling, fiscal transfers, or shared budgets. It has blocked use of the ECB as a genuine central bank. The great Verfassungsgericht [Tribunal Constitucional alemão] has more or less declared the outcome desired by those early EMU conspirators to be illegal and off limits.

And as my old friend Gideon Rachman at the FT writes this morning: the Greek vote is “a hammer blow aimed at the most sensitive spot of the whole European construction – its lacks of popular support and legitimacy.”»

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