sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011

Legislação e moralidade

Confesso sentir inquietação com esta notícia a que regressarei ao tema quando estiverem definidos os contornos finais da nova lei do "enriquecimento ilícito". De qualquer modo, vem a propósito um post de ontem de Bryan Caplan:
I don't respect the law. If my conscience says one thing, and the law says another, I often follow the law to avoid punishment. But in my eyes, legality per se has zero moral weight.

My position is admittedly controversial. As far I can tell, most people respect the law. They think that making X illegal at least tends to cause X to be immoral as well. Indeed, many people seem to think that making X illegal almost automatically makes X immoral as well. The key, though, is "almost." The biggest fan of the law admits that, German law notwithstanding, it's OK to try to escape from Auschwitz. And, American law notwithstanding, maybe it's OK to drive 56 mph in a 55 mph zone.
Como Bob Murphy nos comentários ao post no EconLog e Don Boudreaux no Cafe Hayek, creio que Caplan se equivoca ao utilizar a palavra "law" quando deveria usar "legislation". Com o atrevimento de me intrometer em domínios controversos, parece-me que há que distinguir entre Direito e lei. Com essa ressalva, subscrevo a sua posição de Caplan.

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