terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2012

Ron Paul vs Paul Krugman

Ron Paul: «We would just print all the money. The worst part about all this is the facilitation of debt. Because the Fed is the lender of [last] resort — not only to their friends on Wall Street and all their banker friends, but also the politicians who get re-elected by running up these debts, and that the Fed always is there. They have to be there. So if you love big government and think it can last forever, I can understand why you love the Fed. But some of us believe in freedom and markets and sound market and no more wars»
A leitura deste op-ed, escrito logo após o debate, justifica a especulação quanto à dimensão da ignorância de Krugman sobre História e qualificar de erro sério o ter acusado Ron Paul de pretender recuar 150 anos no domínio da política monetária (daí o recurso a Diocleciano). Aqui pode aceder à transcrição do debate promovido pela Bloomberg.

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